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DOORMAN 2014 Annual dinner party

DOORMAN 2014 Annual dinner party

Mar 21,2015

In the end of 2014 , DoorMan held an Anuual dinner party together with all the workers,some of the customer and suppliers. Do you know how it is ? let me show you here :

Office lady became party staff                                                                                                        

The raffle tickets

“LUCKY BAG “ Also named “ Reb bag” (money inside ),a part of traditional culture of China

Prizes ( iphone 6 + iphone 5s + HUAWEI G7 + lucky bag

Everybody get a raffle ticket and put the right side into the tickets box 

One of the worker put her hands into the box to get the ticket ,so who is the lucky person with the lucky number ?

Pink lady all get a lucky bag . 

All people are happy in dinner .